August 7, 2008

Children creating Artwork

My daughter is now 29 years old, but I still have fond memories of the art she created as a preschooler and elementary school and junior high school student.

I have saved many of her drawings and paintings from this time period. :)

I provided my child with a large variety of materials such as crayons, markers and paints.....all age-appropriate and soon as she could hold a crayon she began drawing....
I also provided a non-judgmental atmosphere and only offered positive feedback and encouraging words, while she was being her creative self.

I never worried about her getting herself dirty and accidentally getting paint on the walls.
So she had nothing to worry about in the process of making art!!! It was always enjoyable for her to make art.

I created a studio space for my daughter, in a corner of our dining room with a kid-sized plastic table and chairs; a nearby cabinet held her art supplies....
When her friends visited they could do artwork, too!

What I enjoyed most about the artwork she created was her self-portraits and portraits of her friends and family members. These were fabulous works of art and still are!!!
Children experience a great deal of freedom and enjoyment when they create art in a completely nonjudgmental atmosphere!!!

I also think that creating art can be confidence-building!

When I "taught" art to children aged 2-4 years of age 3 mornings per week, I would occasionally take my daughter with me. She would participate in all of the planned activities I prepared for the kids in my classes.

These are a few fond memories that I've just shared, from my daughter's childhood.

by Nina Kuriloff

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