+ a selection of papers (best to have heavy stock papers for the covers)
+ thread, linen thread is best but floss will work well too. Cotton/sewing thread can be used too, but be careful not to pull too tight or you can rip your paper.
+ heavy weight needle (to poke holes)
+ awl
+ binder clip
+ cardboard
+ ruler
+ embellishments- photo corners, pictures, paper scraps, anything you’d like…
Prep: Gather your supplies and papers to bind. Cut pages to the size you want and embellish as you’d like. I’m using scraps of vintage lined paper, so I can write a note, and photographs with photo corners. Think about having a combo of lined, blank and decorative pages. Keep in mind that the binding will fall on the left hand side, the spine, so leave 3/8 inch for this. It’s better to do whatever writing/decorating before binding.

1.Order your pages and with a binder clip secure them together to keep them from wiggling around. Score or draw a faint line 3/8 inch from the spine to mark the line you’ll stitch.

2.Place pages on the cardboard and punch holes with an awl or heavy weight needle along the 3/8 inch line. You can eye ball it or measure out four evenly placed holes. Like this----->

4. Make a loop around the spine of the book and into hole 3 again. Your thread and needle are now at the top of the book.------>
5. Pull the needle down through hole 2, from the top to the bottom of the book. Again loop around the spine and pull the needle through hole 2 once more. Needle and thread will be at the back of the book.

7. Now pass down through hole 2, from the top to the bottom of the book, up through hole three, and down through hole 4. You are basically stitching down the book filling in the gaps.
8. At hole 4 make a loop around the spine, bringing the needle up form the bottom of the book and then down through the top. Loop around the bottom of the book, needle passing from bottom to top.

10. Did! Done! You’re great…. Make it happen!
If you have time I hope you’ll try this . I know you’ll love what you make and so will those who you share it with! While it would be great, not everyone has the time to devote to making so check out warpeDesign, waisze and JournalisticTendency for great cards and books.
Thanks and I hope you enjoyed this!
Neat tutorial. I may do this for my mother's birthday. I've made two little books in the past using freebie postcards that you get in restaurants as the covers.
That's so neat. I like how you have a map in your tutorial book.. It makes me want to start making little books for any future trips I take!
oh that is so cute - great tutorial.
PS - I have a picture of my dad almost exactly like yours!!
this is great, thanks!
p.s. i think my dad took a picture with the same horse. http://flickr.com/photos/sock_puppet/559316894/in/set-72157600378990122/
Great tutorial! I've been wanting to try book binding and this will certainly get me started. I think I actually have all the materials I need just sitting around here... Why haven't I started yet?
I'm headed to Cambodia tomorrow and I always like to have a notebook with me. so I think I'll make a notebook with a small Cambodia map as the cover!
Just a logistics note: you started in hole 3, but the in the last step it says to go back to the first hole, no 2. I know we're smart enough to figure that out, but thought I'd mention it... ;)
ps- found you through Whip Up and I'm totally subscribing to your feed.
it´s a easy howto to start binding books. Thanks!
you're right-I did a variation of the imaged guide. I thought you could follow either. They are almost identical.
Hope you have a great time in Cambodia! Wow!
And thanks for all the great feedback everyone!
you're right-I did a variation of the imaged guide. I thought you could follow either. They are almost identical.
Hope you have a great time in Cambodia! Wow!
And thanks for all the great feedback everyone!
I've got a ton of thread (I'm a quilter), but I don't know where to get linen thread! Could you give me a couple of sources? Thanks!
Great tutorial, thanks! I just made some out of some scrap pages but I'm looking forward to making some more arty books in the future!
How does it look like when it's finished?
Thanks for the tutorial! I just used it to make my husband a sketch journal for his birthday. This was my first try at binding -- with the written instructions AND the excellent diagrams, it turned out great! Thanks again :)
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