December 16, 2008

Happy Hannukah!

Celebrate Hanukkah with The {NewNew} York team, here are some great items that can help elevate your spirit in this Holiday of light!

Here is a lovely Hanukkah greeting card from mshoelace's shop:

You'll find these hand-poured unscented soy candles to light your Menorah at DewOnAPetalHome's Shop:

A beautiful gift tag to add to your Hanukkah present, from CollectiveEllements:

And of course what is more important than gifts for our little ones? KarensMonsters's monsters are liked by kids at every age! (what am I talking about, liked? kids are crazy about them!):

Here's a tiny friend for your tiny one, from smallestfriend's shop:

This adorable PigBearMouse is a toy for kids age 5 to 123, made by thesorceress770:

I know your little dancer will appreciate this tutu from trescouture's shop:

But if your kid is more into soccer, this T shirt from charlieandsarah will not only be fun to wear, but will also help them learn to speak British - in preparation for their future as professional players!

I hope you enjoy the Holiday of light, HAPPY HANUKKAH!


  1. Very nice list and helpful. I never know what to buy for Hannukah

  2. Thanks everybody! May Luk, Hanukkah is really easy in terms of presents, (not in terms of spelling it though!) the Holiday really isn't about presents but about celebrating light, and lighting more candles every night. The gift giving as a tradition only started in later years, and the purpose of starting it is so that Jewish children won't feel left out while Christian kids get so many presents for Christmas, since the Holidays are at approximately same time ;-). So basically, it's more about giving gifts for the kids. However, if you'd really like to give a gift for an adult, something related to the Holiday, like a Menorah, candles or a Holiday card, would be nice, although I've heard some people now have expanded the tradition to actually give any gifts to everyone, so it's more like Christmas.
