When I see knitted goods with cable pattern, I automatically feel warm & fuzzy inside. Or think about drinking heavily because it reminds me of St Patty's Day in Rockaway. Anyway it looks like it will keep you warm in the cold winter months. I was however, scared to learn. I thought I couldn't handle it. About a month ago we were in VT, perfect setting to try. And surprise! I didn't need a magical elf or a pint of Guiness! So here is a how to, this is just directions to get you going . It's a swatch of cable so you can test out your skillzz before applying to an actual pattern.
Since it's just practice, all you'll need are:
*any size needles you like (but a size close the your cable needles would be best)
*cable needles

Cast on 18 stiches. Row 1: purl 6, knit 6, purl 6. Row 2: knit the knits and purl the purls.

Row 3 is where you will learn to cross the stiches over. Purl 6, take the next 3 stitches and slip them onto a cable needle.

Let the cable needle slouch away from your work and knit the next 3 stitches with your regular needles. Be sure to pull that first stitch tight, don't be afraid to finagle things.

Then knit the 3 stitches that are on the cable needle, pull tight, don't forget to finagle.

YAY!!! That's all it takes! So now you'll think of it like this: the pattern is 6 rows long so for rows 4,5 & 6 you will knit the knits & purl the purls. *Don't forget to keep track of rows on paper.
After the 6th row you start over: rows 1 & 2 you knit the knits and purl the purls and row 3 is where you cross over to the dark side - oops I mean cross over the stitches. Too much Star Wars. Do this as long as you like, I find knitting to be so relaxing..........
Cable stitch is so much fun because it makes knitting interesting without having to switch colors all the time. Instead of a cable needle, I've used: pencils, chopsticks, another knitting needle, toothpicks, safety pins. . .
Although cable needles are really cool to own.
thanks, steph! i'm so excited to try this out. i love cable, and you make it look so unintimidating...
I love cable knitting! I used to stare wondrously at cable knit items when I first started knitting, wondering how the HECK they are made. Once I learned to cable knit, it all made sense. Anyhow, I just finished a cable scarf for myself! I'll share a photo of it on the NewNew'flickr group!
i'm not sure if i am ready to go beyond basic knit & purl....but i love the look of cable stitch!
Found you on pinterest! This is really helpful... but somehow stitches keep getting added! Does that happen when you switch btwn knitting and purling on each row? Would appreciate any response :-)
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