February 10, 2009

Thing-a-Day NewNew Style

Thing-a-Day 2009 is now in full swing! If you are not familiar, it started as a class project at NYU's ITP [where I happen to have my masters :) ]. The gist of the project is for each participant to create one thing each day for one month. In order to make it an achievable goal, February was chosen since it's the shortest month and each 'thing' should take sometime between 30 and 60 minutes to complete.

It's quite amazing to see what people make in such a short amount of time. My favorite part is seeing how people break out of their 'usual' crafts. Several of our very own NewNew members are taking part in this challenge. Check out their thing-a-day pages for more projects!

Mermade ACEO by DeafDog (DeafDog.etsy.com)

Adorable heart soaps by Groundsel (Groundsel.etsy.com)

Felted heart by Ikyoto (Ikyoto.etsy.com)

Cute flower earrings by Mirela Jazdzewska (Jantar.etsy.com)

Cashmere scarf by Joyella (Joyella.etsy.com)

Felt cluster necklace by knitknit (knitknit.etsy.com)

Dandelion drawing by mellowbeing (mellowbeing.etsy.com)

Silver bead necklace by persuede (persuede.etsy.com)

Daily custom typography By My Coney (Prismpop.etsy.com)

Stylish lariat by ladylulu (Thecraftarium.etsy.com)

Can't wait to see what the rest of February brings with this crafty and creative group :) To keep track of {NewNew} projects as the month progresses, search NewNewTeam.


  1. go newnew team! that's a good looking mini-logo ;)

  2. I've really been loving doing this project! I hope everyone is enjoying checking out the things, and might consider joining us next year.

  3. It's a really fun way to get inspired during a less-than-inspiring time of year!

  4. Look at us go! I am loving TAD! FYI- that is a lariat necklace, not earrings by moi - Laura of The Craftarium!

  5. Wow, we are one creative bunch. Thanks for including my soaps.

  6. What a cool bunch of creations! I am creating - must take pics and post!!! You go, NewNew!!

  7. What a cool idea. I love crafty challenges, and all of these projects look great!

  8. Thanks Persuede for providing the logo :)

    Laura - sorry about that. I've changed it.

  9. You are all very inspiring :) Beautiful work!

  10. Wow, Love those flower earrings :)
