June 30, 2009

Born on the Fourth of July

American Flag Recycled Felt Pillow by alexandraferguson.etsy.com

On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, bringing the United States of America into being.

Monogrammed Recycled Felt Pillow by alexandraferguson.etsy.com

Nathaniel Hawthorne, American author best known for The Scarlett Letter was born on this day in 1804.

Liberty Rising from SpinachNPeace.etsy.com

On July 4th, 1886 the people of France offered the Statue of Liberty to the people of the United States of America.

PEACE Recycled Glass Necklace by glassismyname.etsy.com

Ron Kovic, American peace activist and author of Born on the Fourth of July was, well, born on this day.

Happy Birthday!

- Susan