In NYC, the Brooklyn Botantical Gardens goes all out each spring to celebrate Sakura Matsuri, the Cherry Blossom Festival. This year the festival will be held on April 30 and May 1 and will feature taiko drumming, martial arts, tea ceremonies, origami workshops, and more. Prices range from $10 - $15, and I suggest you go as early as possible as it gets extremely crowded (the festival opens at 10am).
If you're not crazy about crowds, a wonderful alternative is the Cherry Walk in Riverside Park, Manhattan. This walkway extends from 100th Street to 125th Street along the Hudson River. Be aware that there is no exit along this promenade, so either be prepared to walk the entire way or backtrack when you've gotten your fill. Another stretch of Riverside Park between 90th and 96th Street is also lined with cherry trees. These trees were part of the original gift of 3,020 cherry blossom trees given by Japan to America in 1912 (most of which line the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C.).
Cherry Blossoms have inspired poetry, paintings, and other art forms throughout history. For the artisans of the {NewNew}, the cherry blossom is reinvented in a modern take - and the results are beautiful.
See you at the cherry blossom trees!
Great info! I didn't know about the cherry trees near 96th St. That's my neck of the woods, so I'll have to go see them!
my birthday is in april, so always viewed the arrival of cherry blossoms at the bbg as a personal gift just for me!
If you're on the UWS, don't forget the aptly named Sakura Park: http://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/M087/highlights/6522
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