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hellomello handspun - I am a mixed-media artist living and working in Brooklyn, NY. Hopelessly obsessed with all things fiber, textile, vintage and kitsch, the only thing keeping my many collections from growing out of control is the lack of space in my tiny NYC apartment. Almost any night of the week you’ll find me curled up with my kittens and a pile of test knitting or spinning my way into the wee hours of the morning in my over-crowded living room. Well, it’s cozy to us anyway....

LAI GRAI - under the banner of FIBER ART, i can: spin, dye, card batts, knit, crochet, weave, embroider, felt, sew and experiment with every range in between.
with LAI GRAI you can find fiber art to suit your every desire- from wearables to materials- each crafted as functional art.
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