August 21, 2008

Plants & Edibles

For more Accessories from the Metro New York area - search: newnewteam, plants, edible on Etsy

Craque Rock Shop - This is a passion project for sisters Freida & Maxine Orange. The candy is based on a traditional southern treat made by our mother Marsha's childhood best friend, Sandi. Freida's love affair for the candy extended to college and into adulthood...and it continues to grow and expand with new flavor combinations and custom packaging.

Izile - An aspiring artist, I am constantly trying my hand at new media. I tend to be all over the place and find it hard to settle just on one type of art. Over time, I expect to have jewelry, oil paintings, ACEOs, watercolors, altered books, and who knows what other oddities I might churn out.”

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