August 22, 2008

Where to Find The {NewNew} on August 23+ 24

Saturday: Shop for your new fall gear at the Brooklyn Indie Market this Saturday - 11am to 7pm - corner of smith and union under the striped tent! Shop through Fofolle's feminine skirts and WabisabiBrooklyn's vintage inspired decoupage jewelry. MayLuk's handmade ceramics will also be under the tent this weekend - dinner plates and bowls in fun colorful designs - a perfect addition to your table.

And Sunday will be a big day for the {NewNew} as we virtually descend on the Brooklyn Flea! We will be busting out of our normal 10x20 foot spot by the fence to include more spots on the side to sell our craft supplies! Cleaning out our clostes, just in time for you to stock up for your Fall projects. We'll have paper, jewelers supplies, craft books, fabric, sewing supplies - you name it, we've got it!

In our regular booth by the fence on we'll have handmade soap by NordeaSoaperie, jewelry by Jantar, knitted jewelry and felted bags by KnitKnit, gemstone jewlry by Yaniamor, colorful tile coasters by LittleTileGnome, and silkscreened dress, tops, bags and other accessories by BetterThanJam.

Also with CharlieAndSarah having their own 10 x 10 right next door!

G to Clinton/Washington. More directions here.



  1. Actually the yoga event was cancelled. People should come to the Flea instead!

  2. oh no - that's so sad!! FREE Yoga!!!Let me amend the blog

  3. Thank you Karen('s monsters) for organising the craft supplies booth. You have done a great job for the team.

  4. yes, that booth was an awesome idea!
